
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Teacher gift

I love this all purpose cleaner from Target because it smells great and is affordable. My girls had lots of teachers this year because they attended 2 different preschools so I needed something that didn't break the bank. I grabbed a bunch of these cleaners and made a cute tag and in 10 minutes the gifts were all ready to go! These tags would also work great on a container or Clorox Wipes.

These would work any time of year but are especially great in the Spring for teacher appreciation or end of year teacher gifts. I'm so grateful for the teachers in our life, they truly love our kids and do such an amazing job. So here's to an easy and cute teacher gift!

We handed these out today and they were a huge hit with the teachers!

Save the images below to print the tags

Also available in the Silhouette Design Store