
Thursday, November 17, 2011

I'm blank because...

Ashley over at Little Miss Momma shared a post today and it inspired me to do the same thing in my post today. I hope you'll do the same on your blog and share a link in a comment below. This post made me think about some things in my life and help me be more humble. I have so much to be thankful for.

I'm weird because...
I have hic-cups every morning
I ride my spin bike while watching Gilmore Girls about 5 nights a week
I don't like pie
I could eat graham crackers broken up in milk every day
I have a crush on jimmy fallon and I think my husband has a man crush on him ;)
I've never tried a hamburger from McDonalds
I used to work at In-N-Out, yep cute outfit and all ;)
I love watching Cheers
I love silly cat pictures

I'm sad because...
my dad (#1 supporter of everything I do) and mom (my best friend) are leaving in January for a 3 year mission, it's gonna be rough for awhile
it's getting cold, though the snow is pretty, I get tired of freezing in my car on the way to work
my nieces and nephews are growing way too fast

I'm happy because...
I get to meet my new nephew next week!! And hold him and love him :)
I get to go home next week for Thanksgiving
I get to save up to visit my parents next year
my husband graduates in December!
I have a warm home, food in my fridge and clothing
I have the most loving family
I have the best job I could ever ask for
I have such amazing examples in my life

I'm excited to...
see how much fun my parents are going to have
see the impact my parents have on the people in Rome
get some new boots for Christmas :)
see how much snow we get this Winter
see what my children look like, 
if they are half as beautiful as my nieces and nephews I'll be one lucky gal