
Friday, November 20, 2009

A couple new things...

A few weeks ago I made some Chocolate Zucchini Bread and it was DELICIOUS! Sorry, the pictures aren't that great but if you go here for the recipe you'll see a few better pictures. So I couldn't resist...I gave my Mom her Christmas present early! I finished it last week and I couldn't stand staring at it anymore, plus my Mom has been up here for a few weeks now taking care of my Grandma so it seemed like a good time. I thought she could use a little excitement in her life besides sitting at the hospital all day with my Grandma. And because I gave it to her, that means I get to post about it earlier than I was planning! So here's a few pictures, sorry the lighting isn't very good. If you want to see how to make it I got the tutorial from here, I'm working on another like it but I changed the pattern a little bit. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I didn't get a good picture of the lining, but it's a pink plaid fabric inside-super cute!